Honeybutter in the Press


The Current - 07/15/21

“Meet Honeybutter, a Minneapolis folk-jazz-bossa-nova-pop band who are ready to make you smile”


Twin Cities Media - 03/07/22

“..led by my favorite essence of “honeyed vocals,” this group has a combination of spirits – from South American guitar riffs to homemade percussion – there’s an earthly ambiance all around with these folks.”

Girl at the Rock Shows - 07/16/21

“..From three-part vocal harmonies that had chills running up my spine to a few songs that featured a double bass, I found myself yet again completely captivated by a band I had never heard of before..”


The Current - 03/07/22

“..Honeybutter’s music invites you to sit back and sway, fusing pretty vocals and gentle trumpet with lyrics about desire and chocolate raspberries.”

The Star Tribune 01/06/22

“Meet the diverse entries in First Avenue's Best New Bands of 2021”


Mpls St Paul Magazine - 03/07/22

“I wondered how the next could possibly live up to the last—yet they all stood up to the plate. Honeybutter’s deliciously infectious and feel-good set had the whole venue snapping along like part of the backing band.”

Mpls St Paul Magazine - 12/21/21

“..their jazzy overtones are hard to miss: Honeybutter is all about romance and fun, and infectiously so.”


Bring Me The News - 03/02/22

“..Our songwriting and sound are definitely inspired by the brutal, beautiful winters as well as all the other incredible, innovative artists that surround us. For us, music is about togetherness.”